Published Uniform List
Years 7-11
Navy blue blazer with School crest
Plain grey or black trousers which must conform to the School’s standard of smartness: jeans and corduroys are not allowed
Plain white, light grey or light blue shirt. Shirts must be tucked in and top buttons done up. Any T-shirt or vest that is worn beneath a shirt must not have any visible pattern or logo
School tie of an approved design
V-neck pullovers, if worn, must be plain grey or navy
Plain black or dark brown outdoor footwear of a conventional shape and style: trainers and related styles are not allowed; white or vivid coloured socks are not acceptable
Hair must be neat and tidy and of the boy’s natural colour: unconventional styles and facial hair are not acceptable. Hair should be no longer than collar length
Years 12 & 13
In their appearance, as in their general behaviour, Sixth Formers have a particular responsibility in that they help to set the standard for the whole school. The Sixth Form dress code aims to promote smartness and confidence.
Suits of a grey or plain dark colour.
Business shirts with a collar and tie should be worn. Extreme colours, designs or patterns are unacceptable. Shirts must be tucked in and top buttons done up. Any T-shirt or vest that is worn beneath a shirt must not have any visible pattern or logo
Any of the School ties as appropriate (Sixth Form, Colours, Prefects, Senior Prefects, Silver Cross)
Dark-coloured V-neck pullover
Plain black or dark brown outdoor footwear of a conventional shape and style: trainers and related styles are not allowed; white or vivid coloured socks are not acceptable
Hair must be neat and tidy and of the boy’s natural colour: unconventional styles and facial hair are not acceptable. Hair should be no longer than collar length
Winter Dress Code
In cold or wet weather topcoats, in addition to a blazer, are permitted. Coats with prominent logos or of unconventional colours and styles are not allowed. ‘Hoodies’ are unacceptable.
Summer Dress Code
When announced by the Head Master, rules governing dress are modified as follows:
Blazers must be worn to and from School and in assemblies, registrations and classes unless instructions are given to the contrary
Boys may remove their blazer and leave it in their locker or other safe place while they are at School. They must wear it when they go home
Should the weather become very hot, boys will be told that they may leave their blazer at home and travel to and from School without it
At times when blazers are not worn, pullovers will also not be worn
Ties will be worn at all times
Protective Clothing
Each boy in Years 7, 8 and 9, and those in Years 10 and 11 taking workshop courses, must have an apron for Design and Technology, Art and Cookery Classes. Plastic safety glasses are to be worn in laboratories and workshops and may be purchased from the Chemistry Department at the School.
Games Kit and Equipment
Navy PE shirt and shorts (separate rugby shorts are recommended) with the School crest purchased from the School shop
Two pairs of training shoes will be required - one suitable for gymnasium activities in the Sports Hall and the other to be used for outdoor activities such as running
Rugby jersey (school colours and blue, reversible)
Rugby socks
Plain white short PE socks
Rugby boots
Small kit-bag
A tracksuit of a plain colour is desirable
House polo top (compulsory for sixth form only)
All games kit must be clearly marked with the Boy's name. He should take his games kit home after use for washing and airing and should be reminded to bring it to school on games and PE days. Games kit must not be left in school.