To make a donation to our School Charities:
There is more than one way you can continue your support for our PTAs and schools.
FOR FRIENDS OF SWGS ; As easy as 'one click' you can donate by shopping via ​
www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/foswgs/.To date we have raised £3,800.
FOR BWSPA ; As easy as 'one click' you can donate by shopping via ​
Thank you for supporting our Grammar School communities.
Friends of SWGS is the PTA for South Wilts Grammar School in Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK. We work at fostering a parental community, supporting the school, helping at events and raising funds. Charity No1004467.
BWS Parents Association is the fundraising arm for Bishop Wordsworths School. Bishop Wordsworth’s School Parents’ Association raises money for facilities and extras that just aren’t possible within tight school budgets.
Charity No 1081166.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!
Grammar Christmas Fair team

Contact Info
& Enquiries
Friends of South Wilts Grammar School is a UK Registered Charity 1004467.
Bishop Wordsworth's School Parent's Association. Charity number 1081166.